Saturday 9 August 2014


Up early enough today to see the sunrise. This was a good photo opportunity for another picture for the scavenger hunt.

How lucky I am to have such a view from our bedroom. However the old saying " Red sky at night, shepherds delight. Red sky in the morning , shepherds warning" proved to be true. Showers and then heavy rain eventually put a stop on harvesting again.
Meanwhile I have been busy preparing for our visitors but had a little distraction to administer some first aid. Kate came in with blood pouring from her head where a piece of machinery had hit her.

A photo of her head would not have been a pleasant experience. Accidents on farms are common and something they have to be vigilant about. After a brief rest she was back out working.
Our visitors have all arrived.

The forcast for tomorrow is poor with wind and rain. It could be catch up chat time rather than a trip out.


  1. Beautiful sunrise pic. Hope you have a great time with your visitors despite weather (and hope Kate's head is ok) x

  2. Ace sunrise, beautiful yellow! I found mine quite hard to do but I enjoyed the prompt, thanks to Rinda.
