Monday 7 October 2019

A Pet Update

It's a while since I gave a bit of a pet update. Poppy is now 2 years old and most of the time she is pretty sensible 

Needless to say poppy and Sky helped with a bit of haymaking.

Well it made a good playground anyway.

Poppy has a new mate now. Heidi who belongs to my brother in law pops round most mornings looking for Poppy. They enjoy a good romp together on the lawn. 

Poppy took part in the village dog show. She came away with two rosettes. A first for dog with the waggiest tail and a second for best condition. It's probably best not to ask too much about the obedience class. Put it this way her and Farmer Daughter were doing well until she spotted me behind the rope!

Things haven't been so happy with the cats. It was rather a shock to find Socks having died in the flower bed. It must have been very peaceful but rather unexpected as he had seemed fine earlier in the day and was only 8 years old.

These photos show what a lovable and crazy character he was from very early on.

He adored Poppy although I think she just tolerated him. We will really miss him and his funny ways.

That leaves us with just his half brother Tiggy who is just a few months older. He doesn't seem to be too bothered by the loss and is revelling in being our only cat.

Sunday 6 October 2019

5 in 5 : A New Perspective

For the first time in many months I am joining Sandie at her blog Itchifingers to take part in her monthly meme 5 in 5. The idea is that you take your camera and your watch and take as many photos as you can in 5 minutes. Then fo the hard bit, choose 5 of them and publish them on your blog.
Sometime ago I took a close up look out of my back door. Many of you will know we have moved. We have moved all of 100 yards  across the yard into part of the farmhouse. So I thought it would be good to take a close up look outside of my new back door. So please join me on a 5 minute trip outside my breakfast room door.
1.Just outside the door. Everything is still full of colour. The dahlias are scruffy but still vibrant.

2. Peeping round the corner. The cosmos are holding up!

3. A close up on the flower border. Student daughter who actually has now graduated) was describing fuchsias the other day to my mum as the flamingo shaped flowers!

4. Looking back. This is our breakfast room from outside! 

5. Lastly a contented dog. Poppy is now leading a double life. She spends some of the time with us and then goes back to her old garden to spend time with Farmer Daughter when I am out and at night. She is in love with Farmer Daughter's new  tenant "the chef" and pesters him continually.

Monday 23 September 2019

The Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt : The Final Link Up

Mary-Lou at Patiopostcards has kindly hosted the photo hunt again this summer.  I haven't been able to give the hunt quite the undivided attention I would like to have done but I have managed to scramble together a bit of a collection. I always find it hard to make the final selection and so I have taken the easy way out and on some occasions chosen two! So here goes.

No. 1 An Outdoor Clock.
This clock is in the stable block at Landhydrock House in Cornwall. Imagine how important it must have been to all the grooms and coachmen to make sure that all mounts and coaches were ready on time.

My second choice is a very early type of clock with no mechanism to go wrong. It is however dependent on a little sunshine. This particular one is in a local churchyard on a gravestone.

No. 2 Single and Pretty.
I was delighted with these poppies which grew from some seeds that I collected last year.

No. 3 Repetition.
A common sight in fishing harbours are the stacked lobster pots. They are not particularly attractive but give an evocative feel. These were taken at Lulworth Cove.

No. 4 Blurred Vision
The cosmos planted outside our kitchen window make an unfocused background to the agapanthus seed heads.

No. 5. The Word Summer 
I am sure that if I was more observant I could have found a better photo for this one. The very British store Marks and Spencer's had many signs like this to advertise their summer slogan.

No. 6. An Umbrella Open or Closed.
The beer garden of a harbour pub in Porthleven was well prepared back in May for the forthcoming hot weather. Perhaps this would qualify for repetition too.

No.7 A Curving Path.
One of the many paths exploring the beautiful gardens at Lanhydrock House.

No. 8. Shells.
These snails were all collected in a shady aspect of this tree.

My first thought however when I initially read the prompt was sea shells so here is a single shell washed up on the sand at Treyarnon Bay.

No. 9 A Bridge.
There are so many lovely bridges around but I seemed to have failed to capture them. This Monet type bridge was a feature in a garden in Wrington on an Open Garden day but it was almost impossible to pick a moment with no people.

This is City Bridge in Winchester where there is a beautiful walk along the river.

No. 10. Something Made from Stone
Stanton Drew is a village in the Chew Valley which boasts its own mini Stonehenge, a stone circle in a field on the edge of the village. There are also three stones known as the Cove behind the church in the beer garden of the aptly named Druids Arms. This picture shows two of them dating from 3000 years BC. Local legend has it that a wedding party were dancing after midnight on a Saturday night and hence into Sunday. They were egged on by the devil in the form of a fiddler. They were consequently all turned to stone. The guests are the stone circle and the three by the church are the bride, groom and vicar.
On the left of my photo is the 13th century parish church also made of stone over 4000 years later.

No. 11 Fish.
I haven't done very well on this one. These decorative tiles adorn the walls in one of the bathrooms in Trerice House near Newquay.

No.12 Something Crooked.
Age has given this Celtic cross a bit of a slant.

The crinkle crankle wall at Newark Park in Gloucestershire is deliberately made in a crooked manner.

No.13. Two Colours of the Rainbow in Any Combination.
 I snapped this traction engine wheel during a visit to the Great Dorset Steam Fair.

Then in nature red and orange naturally go together.

No. 14 A Handwritten Sign.
Look carefully at the small signs in this exhibition. Spelling was not the exhibitors forte!

No.15 A Broken Chair/Bench/Stool.
Weather conditions on the North Cornish coast must make the maintenance of these donated benches a nightmare.

No. 16 An Out of Season Treat Being Enjoyed.
So who actually wants winter cranberry and cinnamon in the middle of summer?

No.17 A Sail
Yes I know. Not a sail in sight on these boats in Padstow harbour but they must have them on board mustn't they?

No. 18. Something that Should be Found in Pairs.
A bit of polishing needed here. A job for the man servant this evening.

No. 19 A Funny or Meaningful Bumper Sticker.
This reminds me a bit of the joke "Why does a Skoda have the luxury of a heated rear window?"
"To keep your hands warm when giving it a push!".

No. 20 A Favourite Seasonal Scent.
This may seem an odd choice but my father was a great steam engine enthusiast. The smells of engine smoke evoked a lot of memories for me of trips to steam engines and my dad's model steam railway in our garden. A huge part of my very happy childhood.

The English rose garden. Another very seasonal scent.

Alternate A : A Bird or Bee House.
My niece has two bee hives which are currently on the farm. My daughter helped out one evening removing some redundant comb. The suit was an important requisite.

Alternate B : Fresh Local Produce.
Cheddar strawberries washed and drying ready to serve at the June lunch club for the elderly.

Many thanks to Mary Lou for hosting this and now I'm coming your way to have a look at your finds!

Tuesday 20 August 2019

A Special Window

I thought I would share with you all the latest installation in our house. I have always hankered over having a stained glass window. I love coloured glass and have a friend who restores and designs stained glass. Refurbishing the farm house seemed an ideal opportunity to incorporate something of this kind. I had been left a bequest by my mother in law and I was looking for an appropriate way to use this.
We asked my friend to design a window which reflected all aspects of the farm. We wanted a rather abstract design and are delighted with the outcome. It is a combination of old and new glass. Different colours and textures are incorporated. There are also eggs, ears of corn, bales, hens, a tree and much more.

It is situated between the hall and our dining room. I am enjoying everyone's reaction to it and it looks particularly fabulous with the light on behind it. I know Joy would be pleased that I had spent the money on something specific but I suspect it's a little abstract for her taste! 

Saturday 27 July 2019

Early Summer

I started to prepare this post back at the beginning of July so it's way time I posted it. This year has been dominated by our move but farming life has of course continued as normal. Hay making now seems a long time ago.

The long hot days meant it was a cracking season for hay making and quite a heavy crop too. Poppy and Sky of course came along to supervise.

We were also joined by my niece and her family.

This gave us a chance for a belated Happy 21st Birthday celebration for Student Daughter (who actually is no longer a student but more about that another day). She had been away for her actual birthday. There were however no candles, not in the middle of a very dry hay field!

Friday 26 July 2019

We are in!

Yes! We have moved across the yard into the farmhouse. Still chaos and a lot to do. We are busy dawn till dusk but just stopped for breakfast and this is my new view.

Sunday 23 June 2019

Lots of Stones and More

I am always on the lookout for photos for The Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt. One of the photos this time is No. 10 Something made of Stone. The breadth of this is pretty wide and I have already posted a few possibilities. I have been out and about Friday and Saturday which has given me a chance to find a few possibilities. 
Our walk on Friday was mainly around the farm where one of my friends grew up. Hidden in the middle of a copse was this collection of stones. They are know as The Devil's Bed and Bolster. Despite examining them from every angle we couldn't actually work out the significance of the name. The stones are apparently the remains of a Long Barrow so a burial chamber from 3400 to 2400 BC. It is hard to believe they have been there for that long period of time and what significance they would have had.

While still on the burial theme these next two are in the churchyard in Wrington village in North Somerset and are curiously part of graves. This sun dial suggests the passing of time. 

This is further suggested by the dial itself. It would of course also be a possibility for No. 1 An Outdoor Clock.

This grave includes a bird bath! I guess the occupant was a bird lover.

My reason for visiting Wrington was because they had an open gardens day. We spent a very pleasant time strolling around the village visiting a variety of different gardens. I took very few photos to respect the people's privacy of their property. This garden however was an exception. The owner who is a local vet is also a sculptor and his work is on show in his garden. They were all made from a variety of different types of stone.
Here are a few of them.

Including a possibility for No. 11 A Fish.

I guess this seahorse may also count as a fish. I was rathe taken with the seals.

This amusing sculpture was hidden behind the shed it was well camouflaged but showed a certain sense of humour!

This last rather curious sculpture again made of stone was in another garden. Any suggestions as to what it's intended meaning might be?