Sunday 19 October 2014

Local mining

A lot of the local area was mined in the past for red and yellow ochre. These mines were found all over the Mendips. Today I joined a talk and walk about some of the local mining area given by Alan Gray a local caver and expert on the Mendip Mines.
The walk included the granite mill stones seen below that were used to grind the stone to remove the ochre. These would originally have been at the mill itself and not at the mine. The granite used came from France and the stones were made in two parts.

There was a specimen piece of the local stone showing yellow and red ochre.

The ochre was used in colouring in bricks, tiles and even cosmetics. The entrances to the mines are visible but are protected against intruders. Probably just as well in view of the large expanse of mines that there are underground and the period of time since they were used.This one stretches back extensively.

There is a vertical drop into this one below and then a chamber the size of a house.

 The condition of them can be seen on Flickr here in Alan Gray's photos. Pictures that are interesting to see but would not encourage me to go down into them!

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