Thursday 10 September 2015

A Couple of Penultimate Finds

I shall be quite disappointed when the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt finishes. I do so enjoy looking out for possible finds and involving other people too!
On our way to London last week I looked out to take this picture as we left Bristol. It is very close to the M32 and has often caught my eye as I have passed. So this is another entry for No. 7 A Turtle.

The next one I have to admit was,taken by my sister but is too good to miss. She spotted this on holiday in Cornwall. This intricate calling device for a ferry is just what's neede for No. 15 A Flagpole with at least 3 flags on it.

The notice explains how it works.

It is lucky that Smugglers Cottage has been removed from the ferry list otherwise there would have been 4 flags! Thank you Julie!
So that leaves just a better University one to do and a selfie and I will be done!


  1. 2 great additions to your finds this summer

  2. I like your 3 flags - avvery interesting find.

  3. So not only do they fit the requirements, but they are also useful and interesting (and in very nice colours too)

  4. How clever! I thought the bell-ringing at Dittisham was pretty good but this is something else!

  5. Don't tell anyone but I have some of the University of Bath taken a couple of weeks ago if you are interested.

    Not so keen on your Bristol turtle, would you like some Virginia ones?

    Oh yes and I am happy to set you a series of photo challenges to see you through the winter if you do the same for me!!! Xx
