Tuesday 6 March 2018


Everything is getting back to normal here now. The majority of snow has now disappeared with just the large drifts left. Many of the fields have a fringe of white and I have been told that one local road is still closed by drifts. Well that was the situation yesterday but with heavy rain overnight I would imagine that a lot more has gone.
We don't often see drifts like we have just had. I am sure my Canadian blog friends must laugh at the fuss we make over one lot of snow!
The shapes of the drifts however were fascinating.

Many of the hedges and fences were completely transformed.

The shapes became more interesting as the melt began.

I'm wondering if this next one would qualify for No. 25 of the Scavenger Hunt A Peek Inside.

1 comment:

  1. The wind & snow are like the tool & medium of Mother Nature's sculpturing talent. I think your last photo is an excellent look inside :)
