Tuesday 27 June 2017

The Vegetable Patch

Following up from my Sunday post I thought I would show a few more "goings on" in the vegetable garden. We had some rain Sunday morning which certainly freshened everything and the flowers were still wet when I ventured out. There are a few sweet peas emerging. The ones in my garden are just in bud but the vegetable garden is usually ahead.

The borage is giving a good bit of colour.

A few of last year's leeks have been left to go to flower and are quite spectacular.

The courgettes are nearly ready to pick.

Does it look a lot of hard work? Well here's Brother in Law where he is often to be found in his "spare" time, working hard in his garden.

Are you wondering what he is planting? Does Christmas seem just round the corner? After all we are past the longest day.

Brussel sprout plants.

1 comment:

  1. Do freshly picked sprouts taste any different from bought(en) ones? (I must say the sight of them growing turns my skin. TMI!)
