Friday 16 February 2018

Out of the Rain

It was a bit of respite from the rain to get into the hothouses at Dyffryn Gardens. This extraordinary statue was in the first small room of the reinstated glasshouse. It's pair was situated at the further end of the hothouse in a similar room. An interesting welcome but at least the hyacinths gave a beautiful aroma.

It took a while in the tropical house for my camera to demist after coming in from the cold wet exterior. I was then able to photograph these.

There was also an impressive collection of cacti in a drier more desert like house.

Some small.

Some large.

Then some beautiful birds of paradise plants so named because the spectacular flower resembles such a bird.

Like the house and garden the hothouses deserve further exploration.


  1. Love that final cactus shot. Makes me want to reach out and touch ... but ouch!

  2. That’s an impressive collection of cacti - it must take some work to maintain them through the year in a British hothouse!

  3. Wow - what a treasure! Amazing what can be grown in the right environment - and love the blooming ones.

  4. That's an interesting statue, not sure what it actually depicts ... a demon conquering a creature? Hyacinths have such a heady scent, one that I look forward to soon - I think I need a pot for my desk at work to remind me hope springs eternal & those cactus remind me of those I work with - I'll say no more (col).

  5. Hothouses are a real refuge here during the long winter months. This one has some beautiful specimens. Those birds of paradise are stunning flowers.
