Tuesday 21 August 2018

A Celebration of Raindrops

The long, hot, dry spell that we had through June and July made us all wish for rain. The grass became brown and some crops suffered. The last few weeks have been cooler with some rain. The grass has become it's usual green colour and some plants are recovering. Many flowers are still not doing very well. This morning after a light rain shower I wandered out with my camera to catch a few raindrops. 
This poppy has soldiered on flowering all summer. I have cut back some of the seed pods to give these latest flowers a chance.

I was quite worried that I had lost my agapanthus during the cold weather but it seems to be growing well. It has in fact had some very large blooms this year. It is now nearly over but there are a few individual flowers still going.

I don't usually go for a lot of petunias but I was taken by the bright pink trumpets on this one.

The David Austen rose Tess of the D'Urbervilles has flowered as well as always.

A few last blooms on the Cécile Brunner.

So many different pinks. This is another prolific small flower rose..

My cosmos have really struggled. They were late being planted, the ground was solid and even watering them didn't help. They are now reviving a little.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, beautiful photos! My flowers are nearly finished. I had lots of flowers for a bouquet during July and early August, but everything seems to be finishing up a bit early this year.
