Wednesday 22 November 2017

The Grand Tidy Up

I spent Tuesday afternoon getting some of the garden tidied up. There is still quite a lot to do but two wheelbarrow loads are certainly a good start.

Things may now be a bit on hold for a while now. I had a call late afternoon to say mum has had a fall. It was then a dash over to accompany to hospital. Unfortunately she has broken her hip which is obviously not good news.
Please bear with me if my blog posts become a little intermittent.


  1. The fall clean up is a good thing. It makes spring time a lot easier. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Does she still live at home, or is she in a residence where people can look after her? -Jenn

  2. Sending lots of healing energy for your Mum. All that garden clean up can wait, if not done now, it will be there in the spring ...

  3. So sorry to hear about your mum. I'm sending thoughts and prayers for speedy healing!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. Wishing her a very speedy recovery.

  5. Had to scroll back to find this post, which I missed when you originally posted. Glad to hear your mum is improving and hope things continue on that trajectory. It must be quite worrying for you.
