Saturday 12 September 2020

Night Time in the Garden

 It was quite by chance on a hot evening in early August that I discovered we have a night time visitor. I had put Poppy out for her last garden visit before bedtime and she wouldn’t come back in. This is most unusual because she loves her bedtime biscuits! When I investigated what she was looking at in the flower bed I found a hedgehog.

We were absolutely delighted as the last one seen in the garden was 4 years ago and that was a rare event. A few weeks later he was spotted again in my sister in law’s garden. It had again been discovered by the dog.

Sister in Law has a trail camera that she uses for capturing wildlife. She set it up in the garden and we were thrilled to find that the hedgehog is a frequent visitor throughout the night. These pictures are not the best quality as they are taken from the video.

I have been peeping out in the evening but haven’t spotted him again as yet. 
Do you have these lovely little prickly creatures visiting your garden?


  1. I haven't seen hedgehogs here but they were frequent visitor at my previous home with Ced. We were never successful in getting any decent photos of them though.

  2. We have a hedgehog which visits, often they leave behind their poo as a marker, our security lights are set off by them and we watch it run across the lawn, our cats have learn't not to bother them. I do have a couple of spots in the back of the garden for them to sleep and in all the years we have been here they have been used a couple times.

  3. I've only seen a hedgehog once, and it was when we were traveling in Door County, WI. He was wandering down a dirt road, and we stopped to photograph him, and encourage him off the road.

  4. How wonderful! A sadly rare sight. I thought there weren't really any around here but I saw one last year, crossing the road when I was driving back one night. Of course I waited for him. Hope yours continues to show up and possibly introduces you to his family!
