Sunday 27 August 2017

Stanton Prior to Newton St Loe

The second part of our walk on Friday took us from the village of Stanton Prior across a couple of fields and then into the parkland of Newton Park the main campus of Bath Spa University. We passed through a stretch of parkland extensively planted with new trees before reaching the campus. There was a keep or manor house known as St Loe Castle on this site as early as the 14th Century.
 Our walk took us through the old stable block some of which originates from the 15th Century.

The archway brought us into the Italian Garden which mainly originates from the time of the 18th Century house.

Old and new blends together quite tastefully. We then left through the old gateway of St Loe Castle.

The path then winds around the top of lake. There was an impressive number of cyclamen on the grass bank at the side of the path.

We stopped to admire the view down over the lake.

There was some debate about the heron standing in the water as to whether it was real. There were still some doubts when it moved with suggestions that it could be robotic. Unlikely I would say. Unfortunately I had no close up lens to view it at close quarters.

Our walk then took us around the front of the main house and along the back drive back into Newton St Loe. The parkland is mainly farmed by Newton Farm and we passed several of their suckler herds of cattle.

Newton Farm incidentally run a farm shop where they sell their own meat. They also have a great and very popular cafe. We had lunched there when we tried out the walk but were unable to use it for a group of us as they do not take bookings. We ate instead at The Globe Inn on the roundabout junction of the A39 and A4. The food was all perfectly good and I was able to bore everyone with tales of the nightclub called The Carousel which was situated at the back of the pub during my Sixth Form days and how we used to visit if we could find someone to drive us out there!

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