Wednesday 22 July 2015

A Pair of Beetles

I posted the other day a series of photos of butterflies that I had seen in our old quarry which you can see here. I kept back two that I took for Helena's Pairs. These are not butterflies but are flamboyant in their own way.
A Pair of Beetles
Firstly one I believe to be a Black and Yellow Longhorn Beetle who looks like he has lost a horn.


Then the more commonly known and more attractive Ladybird.

They could also be paired as 
Yellow and Red 
Blobby and Spotty
Short legs and long legs.


  1. beautiful detail on both the blobs and the spots

  2. Lovely photos and a great pairing. Isn't it strange - I love ladybirds and will happily let them crawl over me, but I'd have a hissy fit if any other beetle came anywhere near me!

  3. Lovely buggy photos, great details.

  4. Fantastic close up shots! I'm like Eileen, when insects come crawling too close to me, I run in the other direction, but of late with so making great close up shots, I am thinking of putting on my big girl pants and trying for some close ups.(lol)

  5. oops..this may be a duplicate since Google interfered.....
    lovely shots of the bugs....I will have to use this insect pair as inspiration for my dragonfly pairs....

  6. What an interesting pair and great color and focus.

  7. Beautiful - esp the ladybird. I've seen lots this year (hopefully feasting on aphids!)

  8. Nice pics! Is a ladybird a beetle? I never thought about that! Xx

    1. They are indeed. They are part of the Cucujoidea family!

    2. I have learned something today then!

  9. Love the second one, but the first one is a bit scary! Great captures!

  10. I love "Blobby and Spotty" - perfect title! And gorgeous photos.

    PS Thanks for your comment on my blog identifying the barley and wheat!
