Saturday, 27 July 2019

Early Summer

I started to prepare this post back at the beginning of July so it's way time I posted it. This year has been dominated by our move but farming life has of course continued as normal. Hay making now seems a long time ago.

The long hot days meant it was a cracking season for hay making and quite a heavy crop too. Poppy and Sky of course came along to supervise.

We were also joined by my niece and her family.

This gave us a chance for a belated Happy 21st Birthday celebration for Student Daughter (who actually is no longer a student but more about that another day). She had been away for her actual birthday. There were however no candles, not in the middle of a very dry hay field!

Friday, 26 July 2019

We are in!

Yes! We have moved across the yard into the farmhouse. Still chaos and a lot to do. We are busy dawn till dusk but just stopped for breakfast and this is my new view.