Thursday 30 June 2016

The Link Up

A month has slipped by since Rinda started this year's photo hunt and today she is posting a link up so do pop over to her blog by clicking here to see what everyone else has found.
Yesterday I went to do my big shop at the local supermarket and so have had another go at No. 18 A shopping cart, basket or trolley.
I only go every two weeks so I usually have quite a load up. Amazingly I had some space left this time.

It all looks rather unhealthy and I feel I should explain myself. The fruit and veg either come from the garden or the green grocer shop. All our meat is bought elsewhere!
So what about those naughty items?

The croissants are a treat for breakfast for the post 18th birthday celebration breakfast. Viennese whirls or as we call them "boughten" cakes are for my mother in law. Older daughter requested the crisps. Ok no more excuses!
Then when it's all packed .... Off we go

You may have spotted part of a mural at the top of this picture. There are two of these on the wall explaining the process of glassmaking. I think I may have previously mentioned that the store is built on the site of the Nailsea glass factory.

These are actually very interesting to look at but I wonder how many people rushing to do their shop actually stop and contemplate the hard jobs these workers had.
 Here are some links to some of my other finds so far:-
1. A natural heart
11. Fresh Produce
13. The Moon
18 A Shopping cart or trolley
20 Someone Laughing

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Snap : Honeybells

I have decided this week to follow a similar theme to my last Snap following one beautiful flower through it's flowering journey. This is to join in with Helena in her weekly memo Snap. Firstly before I start on my Snap sequence I would like to show you a picture of this lovely flower which I think is worth seeing but kind of doesn't fit in with the others.

This is called Honeybells or if you want it's full Latin name Nectaroscordum Siculum. I bought these bulbs in Tescos when I was doing my biweekly shop. I seem to recall that I bought them because there was a 2 for £5 offer on the packets to go with a packet of tulips.
The bulbs are planted in a patch of grass with the alliums that I blogged last week and have made a great display. I shall be on the outlook from some more of these for next year.





Tuesday 28 June 2016

A Gift from the Little Ones

Yesterday I answered the door to find I had unexpected gifts.

A couple of weeks ago we had a visit from a preschool which you can read about here. They had sent me a delightful thank you in the form of a potted lily with the most wonderful scent, some flowers from one of the staff's garden

and a lovely card made by the children.

I particularly love all the hens around the edge. Inside they had expressed their favourite part of the trip.

It is great to know they enjoyed it so much.

Monday 27 June 2016

Memorandum Monday : New Horizons

We have just had a weekend of many "lasts" rather than anything new. However before I tell a little about that I have two things that I have learnt or should have learnt to join in with Sian and all the other Monday bloggers.
Firstly I should have learnt by now that when I have finished using my camera I should return it to the regular settings and secondly that when I have something important coming up I should check what my camera is set on! Consequently my pictures taken this weekend are a little grainy from too high an ISO.
So back to this weekend, a big event for our youngest daughter and for us too really. She has now officially left school so the weekend kicked off for her with a Sixth Form meal out and a taste of night clubbing for those who have hit 18. ( With big sister acting as taxi driver so we stayed tucked up in bed). I have lots of lovely pictures of them all before they leave but I also managed to catch another possibility for The Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt. No. 20 Someone laughing.

I could be in trouble for that one....
So then Saturday was our last school garden party, last arts exhibition of all the pupils' amazing exam work. There was so much I could show you but this lovely vase is made by one of her friends.

Then after a quick return home and change it was back for the last Speech competition with 4 highly eloquent competitors. I am just so glad I didn't have to choose the winner. This then evolved into our last prize giving with a Sports Prize for our girl. Time for bed now? No! It was on to an 18th Birthday Party and an almost last chance to meet up with a lot of the parents.

Then Sunday morning brought the very "last". We scooted off to an exceedingly emotional leaver's service. Being a Quaker school this included a meeting for worship which for those that don't know is a period of about 30 minutes of reflection when anyone can at any time stand and express their feelings and views. It gave us time to reflect ourselves on the wonderful, nurturing environment that both our daughters have been lucky to experience during their education.  It also gave us a chance to hear the respect and love that so many of their peers also have for their school and their friends. There were lots of smiles, laughs and of course tears.
 Then it was time for final hugs between this lovely group of youngsters.

They all had a little reminder of each other.

Then a final celebratory lunch.

Before a final photo on the school steps.

So it's just left to wish all these young people and indeed all those leaving school in the next few weeks all the very best as they seek new horizons and in the words of the school motto Live Life Adventurously.
Good luck to you all.

Sunday 26 June 2016

A Shopping Basket with a Difference

One of the items for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt this year is No. 18 A Supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries.  What a shame Rinda added groceries to the remit. One of these trolleys looks far more interesting than anything I pick up in the supermarket. They were part of the flower and produce show at The Royal Bath and West Show created by local schools.

Aren't they great? So do you think I could get away with using one of these?

Saturday 25 June 2016

A Midsummer Walk

We were particularly lucky on our monthly walk yesterday that we avoided the tremendously heavy rain that so many people had. It was particularly fortunate as I had left my raincoat in the car. We had instead beautiful sunshine for most of the time.
The walk started in the small village of Holt just outside Bradford on Avon. The walk started out over fields with a delicious sweet aroma from a local cereals factory. Then we followed along a river for some time.

We then crossed this extraordinary stone bridge apparently in the middle of nowhere.

We continued through fields of maize still short enough for us to see where we were going.

We had a first on one of walks which was crossing a railway. A little unnerving as a train appeared as I was about to cross.

We then walked through the churchyard of the parish church in Broughton Gifford before continuing on our way.

A particularly pretty part was along the side of a field of rapeseed with poppies emerging through the crop.

Then after 6 miles it was back to Holt past another church with two contrasting gates.
The back.

Then a more ordered front.

We were ready for our lunch and a cool drink by the time we returned!

Friday 24 June 2016

Six Word Story: Heart

It is possible that my photograph today for Miriam's Six Word Story could be doubled up for The Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt No. 1 A Natural Heart. Close your eyes when you have seen this picture and see if you can imagine that delicious taste.


Thursday 23 June 2016

The Pearly Kings and Queens Visit Cornwall

One of the craft displays in the Flower tent at The Royal Cornwall Show was produced by local schools. These were freestanding Pearly Kings and Queens. I always found the real Pearly Kings and Queens fascinating to see in London and I had the honour to nurse one of these gentlemen for the last weeks of his life. These models in Cornwall are a long way in distance from the real thing.

A lot of work had gone into their construction.

This last one may appear familiar.

Anyone who saw the balcony appearance at the Trooping of the Colour this year may have seen this "face" chastising William for sitting down!

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Snap: A Natural Progression

I used this flower bud of an allium in my garden for my entry for Miriam's Six Word Story a while ago.

Today I am using the progression of these flowers for Helena's Snap.





Tuesday 21 June 2016

Strawberry Moon

I took a walk around our fields as the longest day came to an end yesterday. In one direction the sun was setting with a beautiful sky.

Walking further round the fields I had the view of the sky in the other direction.

Then as I went a bit further a first glimpse of the Strawberry full moon.

It is only about every 70 years that a full moon coincides with the Summer Solstice. I won't attempt to calculate my age if I was to see another but my youngest will be 88. The moon was visible from the garden by the time I returned.

The strawberry refers to the beginning of the strawberry picking season in America apparently and does not actually refer to its amber colour. This next one is my best find so far for No. 13 of on the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt.