1.There are many road bridges as you go through the docks and this one gives a glimpse of the urban scene with old warehouses, regeneration and the busy water traffic.
4. Finally three bridges cross in close proximity one of which one is the link road from the A4 to the M32 across St Phillip's Marsh.
2.Through the arch of the Bristol Bridge people are viewing a floating garden called Seed of Change. It is based on an old ballast boat and grows plants that are not native to Britain but would have been brought in as seeds on Merchant ships in the when Bristol was a busy port.
3. Along the Feeder Canal which joins Bristol's floating harbour with the River Avon the view under this bridge leads on to the final picture of bridges but also depicts a disused warehouse in vivid red brick to the left.
4. Finally three bridges cross in close proximity one of which one is the link road from the A4 to the M32 across St Phillip's Marsh.