Sunday 30 November 2014

Christmas Concert

Every year we go to a Christmas Concert with a group of friends. This year it was rather early still being November. We returned to see one of our favourites, the Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines at the Colston Hall in Bristol. This time it was the turn of the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines Band.
We arrived armed with our Union Jacks (saved from when the Olympic Torch passed through in 2012 or was it even from the Royal Wedding of William and Kate?)

It was not easy to take photos but I  managed a couple of the amazing Drummers during the performance of some marches.

There was a selection of pieces with many Christmas numbers and then culminating in a rousing Britannic Salute which gave us the opportunity to use our flags!

Saturday 29 November 2014


It was after 3pm by the time I managed to get out to walk the dog. I took my camera with me but the light was already beginning to drop. We still have 3 weeks to go to the shortest day and the sun drops very rapidly. I decided to play around with a few tree silhouettes.

The colour of the sky had changed it that short spell of time.

Friday 28 November 2014

Brightening Up

A trip this week to the dentist for toothache was made brighter by seeing some of the Christmas lights in Bath.

A lot of the shops are now decorated.

Anyone for a teddy?

Thursday 27 November 2014

A Year Older

The girls were up at 5.45 this morning to prepare a birthday breakfast for me before they had to go out to do the horses. I came down to find.....

Scrambled Egg and Smoked Salmon is quite a treat at 6.30 in the morning!

The day of treats continued with some lovely cakes made by Kate.

With another firework candle!

Tonight we have been out for a meal and now we can't move!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Berry ZIZO

It is time for the Wednesday ZIZO created by Helena . 
A new hedge has been planted between two of our fields about 3 or 4 years ago. The small trees are now beginning to grow well.

Many of them had berries and they look stunning against the blue sky.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Winter Trees

Some trees are still clinging onto some of their leaves but there are plenty that look very ready for winter.

This Oak has a few left.

And there are a few on the Silver Birch.

The blue sky is a clue that these were not taken today when it has rained all day.

Monday 24 November 2014

The Way to a Cat's Heart

My niece and her husband came to stay this weekend. They are great cat lovers having 3 of their own. My niece worked had on gaining the love of our cats. Through their stomachs......

There is nothing like a cat treat or two to make a friend!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Festive Shopping

We made a trip today to Clarks Outlet Village at Street. Everywhere was looking suitably festive.

The farmers market stalls added to the atmosphere.

Not many weeks left now!

Christmas Fayre

A busy day serving food at the Christmas Market which meant not much time to take photos. So a few quick snaps of a few stalls.

There was a batch of delicious bread to go with the home made soup.

The spuds and bolognaise went down well. 
Then home to change beds for visitors helped by...

Friday 21 November 2014

Plenty of spuds

It's the Christmas Fair at the chapel tomorrow. My task was to prepare the potatoes for baking so that's 50 spuds scrubbed and ready.

Then a pot full of bolognese sauce to fill them..

Thursday 20 November 2014

More mist

The mist the other day was a great time for some more photos.

There are still a few roses around on the bushes. This particular one came from B&Q some years ago and is now quite big. Not bad for a £1 in their reduced shelf! It's always worth having a look!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Zoom in on Nuthatch

Today I am joining in with week 47 of Helena's ZIZO. I have a view from my kitchen window of the bird table that my older daughter made for her GCSE Design and Technology and of the bird feeders in the cherry tree.

A little nuthatch who can be quite shy is a frequent visitor is just visible on the feeder in the tree. He is not easy to catch close up but I did manage a few today. He is very quick in his movements.

He has a good mouthful to take away!