Fortunately by the time I set out for a walk yesterday the rain had briefly stopped and the strong breeze had dried everything off. Farmer Daughter had not been so lucky earlier in the day. She had decided to cycle to the Post Office which is several miles away and was caught in a hail storm!
This photo shows the beginning of my regular circuit which I walk with Poppy particularly when I am short of time.
It leads out to some arable feeds where she can run around. The potato ground is on the right here. Not a brilliant photo but it shows that the rain has encouraged the growth of grass and weeds. The trick now is to get out there and spray off the weeds before the seed potatoes begin to shoot.
I usually cut through this short patch of woodland. There is a public path through it. It's not easy to see because the rain and wind has blown the cow parsley over.
I think this is Blackthorn in flower.
Poppy definitely enjoyed the long cow parsley.
This ash tree in an arable field frequently appears on my blog.
Then it was out across the sheep field with the neighboiur's dairy cows behind. You can also see the Mendips on the sky line.
The horses happily graze alongside the sheep.
A lovely old oak tree in the corner of the field.
The next field is also lined with trees just coming into leaf.
There is also quite a lot of gorse in the hedge dating back to when both of these fields were originally scrub land. They were reclaimed by Farmer Husband's parents.
Finally it's back across another sheep field.
The farm house and a cup of tea are now in sight.