Wednesday 31 January 2018

Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt Link

It's time for a link up for The Winter Photography Scavenger Photography Hunt led by Eileen and Joy for the end of January. I have made a little headway on some of the subjects although these may not be my final choices. I have also explored a few more during the last month in various posts.
No. 4 A Winter's Tale (or tail).

Not a very flattering angle of one of Bladud's swine situated in the covered market in Bath. Here is the rest of him.

 No. 6 Wrapping Paper 
There was so much around at Christmas. What was I thinking about not getting this one sorted then? A trip to Tescos did the trick except that the wrapping paper is situated by the cafe. There were a lot of coffee drinkers wondering what I was doing.

No. 7 On the Water.
I have already posted a few possibilities for this one. I took this when on my last walk and talk along a part of the Kennet and Avon canal.

No. 8 Silver.
A bauble on our tree.

No. 9 In the Making 
I had an excess of double cream so decided to make some ice cream. I have experimented with a few flavours lately. Stem ginger and coffee was very nice and here I have tried mint choc chip. It's ready to spoon into the box to freeze.

No. 13 A line of.....
Back to the canal. A line of waterside houses and a great reflection too!

No. 20 Detail
This is a detail of a crochet "cover" we came across by the harbourside.

Do you want to see the rest of it?

I'm afraid I have forgotten what it was all about.

No. 22 Symmetry 
This gate is part of Sydney Gardens in Bath and gives access to the canal.

Then this was a near perfect reflection on the canal itself.

I've actually done more than I thought. I'm looking forward to seeing all your collections.


  1. As always, a wonderful set of photos! I love the reflections, and that ice cream looks delicious! Mint chocolate chip has always been my son's favorite.

  2. Some great finds for the WSPH. Your reflection photos are very good.

  3. Wonderful interpretations - especially the reflections!!! I'll have a little dish of that scrumptious looking ice cream please.
