Sunday, 27 May 2018

Almost Grown

It's a while since I did a Poppy post although she has featured on a few other pages. She is now almost fully grown. She's 10 and a half months old and generally pretty well behaved.

She is still a little over enthusiastic about jumping up which is something I don't like. Nobody wants dirty paws on their clothes and it can be rather intimidating from a big dog.

She is proving to be a wonderful gardener. Her best skill is digging holes especially in the lawn.... She loves chasing and retrieving balls and sticks and is pretty good at it.

Like most Labradors she loves food. I dare not leave her alone in the kitchen if anything is on the unit. She needed firm holding onto when the sausages were cooking on the fire pit. We certainly didn't want the wrong kind of hot dog!

These are all the joys of bringing up a young dog!


  1. Poppy is such a pretty dog although I think Labs retain that puppiness for ever, such fun dogs.

  2. She's lovely. We don't have a dog, but if we did, it would be a yellow lab. -Jenn
