Friday 7 December 2018

Moving On

I mentioned a while that we had work being done on the farmhouse roof and that changes were planned. Farmer Husband and I have decided to move from our present house into part of the farmhouse. This has not been an easy decision because this was where my mother in law lived but was also farmer husband's childhood home. It has been an emotional road clearing the house for all of the family. We have been aware that things would look worse before they could get better.
Building work has now seriously started and a long project is ahead of us with lots of work and many decisions to be made.
 These pictures show some early progress. The old kitchen is beginning to be knocked about.

Walls are disappearing.

Internal doors are on the move.

Upstairs the attic room is having an ensuite built in.

I hope to be able to show you some progress over the weeks and months ahead. Meanwhile the tea and coffee making continues. The sugar bowl is needing filling more often than usual. The cake making continues in order to keep the builders sweet and happy.
Watch this space!


  1. Wow, you have quite a job ahead of you! Big decision. It will be interesting to watch the progress. I hope all goes smoothly! -Jenn

  2. I can only imagine the days & nights of talks about this move. Nice that you are capturing the change.

  3. That is major reconstruction! I can see that it will be a long road ahead, but fortunately, you will not be trying to live there while it takes place. I'll be looking forward to the progress posts!

  4. Wow, big changes indeed! I hope things go smoothly for you and look forward to reading your updates on progress. I can smile about this because I'm very nearly at the end of mine!
