Saturday 7 May 2016

Alternative Transport

We have all sorts of people coming in to buy eggs and potatoes. Most arrive by car, some walk and some even use a bike. The latter customers usually pack their eggs carefully before leaving. The other day we had a more unusual means of transport, a horse and cart.

Let's hope they took the corners slowly!


  1. I have always wanted to learn to drive, especially pairs. This horse power would always, well almost always, be my first choice. Smart looking red harness & that is one very comfortable padded drivers seat.

  2. Handsome fella! Was this a regular customer and if so why the sudden change of transport I wonder? I hope no sudden braking, or there would have been a Spanish omlette in the making!

    1. Yes a regular customer but first time by that transport. I guess they were passing by when out driving.

  3. Love the photo of the horse in the sunshine. What better way to travel on a fine day?
