Wednesday 4 May 2016

Snap: Working Hard

I am returning to The North Somerset Show to join in with Helena's Snap. We visited this on Monday and spent a lot of the morning looking around the sheep. I always like to see how showing sheep is such a family event that youngsters can get involved in. This year was no exception with many quite small farmers hard at work. Here is a selection of four of them.

Feeding the stock

A well earned break.

A Farmer's knot

In the show ring.

I am sure you can imagine the restraint I needed to stop at 4 pictures!


  1. Wonderfully fun SNAP collection. Thankfully farmers of the future. Yes you did well to stop at 4, but tomorrow is another day :)

  2. fabulous set of kids in action

  3. What a wonderful collection of the cute farmers-to-be!

  4. wonderful snap collection!!

  5. This is so lovely! Well done...for stopping at four!!!

  6. Like that top one with the pink dungarees, modelled in the off-the-shoulder style!

  7. These are lovely! I particularly like the little lad with white coat and flat cap - 9 going on 45!!

  8. Fabulous! I love the youngster in her slightly too big overalls and the young boy enjoying a well-earned cuppa.
