Friday 13 May 2016

Six Word Story: Chase

There are times when I wonder what I am going to write about on my blog. The challenge of writing daily posts can be tricky at times. When I saw the allotted word for this week's short story created by Miriam I was more than a little stumped. I had come to the conclusion that I would have to search back through my archives . I really needn't have worried.
 This is not the first time when just the right event has turned up. Older daughter announced that it was time to let her bigger cattle out. This is a kind of family event when we gather in the field to see the cattle romp up and down. So here we have the word chase.

                                           Come join a chase cow style!


  1. Such a fun story today Maggie. Great photo capture.

  2. I give you a lot of credit for publishing a post daily! Fun photo!!!

  3. Brilliant! I love it when something turns up at the last moment. Thank you for joining in again Maggie. x

  4. Love it. What a great picture :)

  5. Now that I've turned into so much of a city girl they look a little scary to me..

  6. Fortuitous! I think I might be a little alarmed if I saw them coming towards me but I'm sure they're just stretching their legs...
