Friday 26 August 2016

Short Story : Love

Today I am joining in again with Miriam's  short story of six words with one photo. This week the word is love.

An update on Miriam is that she has had her op so hopefully we will see her back with us soon.


  1. absolutely - my favourite summer fruit and the canes in my garden have been very productive this year

  2. Delicious looking - great photo. & yes I like raspberries.

  3. Yes! I liked strawberries better when I was younger, but not anymore

  4. Oh yes - love them. Hence planting them at the last three houses ;)

  5. Raspberries are so delicate. Do you remember Mum telling us that if we found a tiny caterpillar in one from the garden and accidentally ate it, it wouldn't matter as it had only eaten raspberries...
