Thursday 29 September 2016

Edible Garden

I was interested to see when watching BBC 2 's Gardeners World that Monty Don was discussing fennel. I usually cut back the herb fennel in the Autumn but I think I will follow his suggestion of leaving the seed heads until the New Year as they do look quite attractive.

I often use the fennel leaf on baked salmon and in salads but have never tasted the seeds. Monty demonstrated trying these . They have a strong aniseed flavour and are supposed to aid digestion. I have now sampled them. They are quite tasty and I shall now probably pick the old one as I pass by.

I equally only learned the other day from a comment on my blog post by my sister that nasturtiums seeds are known as the poor man's caper.

I haven't been tempted to try these although I have occasionally used the leaf and flower in salad.

I can see that we are not the only ones to find these tasty!


  1. I love Monty Don! Almost as much as looking at your pictures. I like fennel seed and like you have not tried the poor mans caper but the flower is stunning, you could loose yourself in that colour. Great Snap! as always.

  2. Fennel seeds are often in Italian sausage here and each seed packs quite an aniseed punch doesn't it?

    I love nasturtiums but bit indifferent to capers except in one or two specific recipes. Not sure if they can be used fresh - only ever bought them in expensive little jars!

    Great snail photo.

  3. I love the smell of fennel - i should get some for my garden
