Saturday, 13 May 2017

All Shapes and Sizes

The farmer and I bought a bargain box of allium bulbs in B&Q in the autumn. I popped them in the garden rather randomly and they are now popping up. The bulbs were all sorts of sizes. One of the biggest is in a tub by the conservatory next to my agapanthus. I have taken a few snaps of it along the way.

What has suprised me is that for the size of the bulb and the length of the stalk the flower is not enormous.
Here are a few of the others and when the sun shines again I'll show you some more.

These last four pictures were all taken on the same day so you can see they are all at different stages.


  1. Something about this post has left me with a big smile on my face. We all like to see things grow, I guess!
