Thursday, 7 December 2017

Take Three Thursday: Wet Feet

On a Thursday I join Mary Lou in her meme Take Three Thursday. When we were out for a walk today we came to a place where the water was right across the lane. Labradors generally like water but as yet Poppy has had little experience of large pools and puddles.There was no way round so:-

1. You expect me to walk through that?

2. Well here goes...

3. Oh! It's no so bad after all!

I am sure you can imagine that my feet got quite wet too.


  1. Thank you again for joining in Maggie. Poppy looks like she has taken to the water & oh my gosh is she ever growing quickly, soon dog not puppy!

  2. Poppy is definitely growing up, but she's still just as cute as ever!

  3. That’s quite a puddle, sure she will grow to love the water as she grows up!
