Wednesday 3 June 2020

Lockdown Haircut

How is your lockdown hairstyle coming along? I am generally managing fairly well. Fortunately I am not a frequent visitor to the hairdresser and had been fairly recently before lockdown. I certainly wasn’t one of those rushing off to have my hair and nails done as Boris Johnson was contemplating lockdown. I found this a curious thing that many ladies seemed to do. Vanity seemed to win over personal safety when a hairdresser or beautician must have been seeing umpteen people at close quarters. I have had no roots to worry about as my hair has been natural for many years but I did take a pair of scissors to my fringe when I realised I was constantly touching my face to brush my hair back. Luckily it has quite a spiky style so did little damage to it. 
Farmer Husband is a different matter. He is beginning to look a little hippyish. He has refused to let me get near him with any scissors, garden shears, sheep or horse clippers! It seemed the ideal opportunity when the sheep shearers arrived but unsurprisingly he was not in agreement!

The sheep however must have been very relieved to lose their woolly coats in the heat we have been having.

It was a hot day for shearing yesterday for a job that is hard work at the best of times.

Sky is always keen to help with the sheep and was on call for any rounding up that was needed.

All the wool fleeces have to be folded up and packed into wool bags which are then sewn up ready to be sent off.

Meanwhile the sheep look quite different!

The noise during shearing is terrific. The ewes and lambs bawl incessantly because they have been separated. They continue afterwards until they find each other. The shearing machinery is noisy and then on top of that they seem to like to have a radio playing at full volume. Definitely not a tranquil day in the countryside.

It does not take the mums long to settle down once they are reunited and soon peace returns to the farm.

You will be pleased to know that Husband Farmer has this evening got me to order him some hair clippers on Amazon!


  1. My short bob is now a long bob, and whilst I'm not happy with the length, it does still look good, I did like you cut my 'fringe', it's just wispy hair and it does not look to bad. Hubby had a good haircut 2 days before lock down, his hair is long and wispy, but he did allow me to trim around the front, he's happy to have his longer hair.

  2. Like you I am not worried about my hair at the moment, I can just tie back into a ponytail & Mr Man is threatening to style himself a man bun!!!

    I think on shearing day I would plan for a long walk in the other direction! Poor Mamma's bleating for their babies ... I wonder if the shearers have long tuned out the sheep noise so that they can hear the radio music.

  3. Definitely not a tranquil day in the countryside! Oh those sheep must feel better for getting rid of all that wool. My daughter used to be a hairdresser so has all the proper equipment, now if only she had 6' arms so she could get close enough to give me a trim! It can wait - fortunately mine is kind of a layered bob so has kept a bit of the original style and just got longer. I'm also considering embracing the natural grey that has appeared, I never had a 'solid' hair colour but had three different coloured highlights so also I have no definite root showing through. It's not looking as bad as I thought it might!

  4. I need to attempt to cut my hair. It's very curly and is starting to fall in ringlets so I am in danger of looking like an overgrown Shirley Temple! I keep putting it off but will need to do it before it completely loses the shape of the last professional cut. I said I would do it this week, but maybe next week now!

  5. Not coloring my hair, and having a hair style that grows out well are two of the many blessings I've had during the pandemic. We now can go to the hairdresser, and they have instituted very strict procedures. My husband is much more anxious than I am to get a cut, but I think it will be a pretty safe experience.

  6. I've just been tying up my hair into a ponytail, so I am not feeling desperate to visit the hairdresser yet.

  7. My son just got his long-haired dachshund his summer cut (nearly a shave) and the little guy has to be so much more comfortable. He usually feels so velvety afterwards, so I miss him being here. I am still resisting the urge to trim my own bangs or to buy grocery store color to hide the 2 inches of gray roots. Looking forward to having a professional remedy both those areas.
