Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Snap: Under and Through the Bridges

I have chosen some pictures that I took on our boat trip last Friday to join in with Helena's Snap. Should you want to read more about my boat trip up the River Avon click here? I have chosen four pictures ( I could have added more!) taken as we approached various bridges.
1.There are many road bridges as you go through the docks and this one gives a glimpse of the urban scene with old warehouses, regeneration and the busy water traffic.

2.Through the arch of the Bristol Bridge people are viewing a floating garden called Seed of Change. It is based on an old ballast boat and grows plants that are not native to Britain but would have been brought in as seeds on Merchant ships in the when Bristol was a busy port.

3. Along the Feeder Canal which joins Bristol's floating harbour with the River Avon the view under this bridge leads on to the final picture of bridges but also depicts a disused warehouse in vivid red brick to the left.

4. Finally three bridges cross in close proximity one of which one is the link road from the A4 to the M32 across St Phillip's Marsh.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Flowers Around the Quarry

I took these flowers when walking around our old quarry a few weeks ago.
A thistle.

Not sure what this next one is.

Around the pond

The grass above one of the mine entrances.

A buddleia. Always popular with the butterflies.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Memorandum Monday: The Personal Touch

Good Morning to Sain and everyone on this Bank Holiday Monday in the UK. I hope you are all having a great weekend and have managed to avoid the holiday traffic. A lot of my weekend has been taken up with deliberating the big holiday. The flights are now booked so there is no going back now for the first time flyer farmer. The itinerary is taking shape with the first accommodation booked and relatives and friends contacted.
Sunday however we had a bit of a change . We visited a friend for lunch and although we see her regularly it is a while since we have been to her house. The house has been recently painted and so her porch is just the ticket for No 5 A Porch or Deck for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt.

We also admired her newly restored leaded window to the left of the picture which looked lovely illuminated by the time we left.

When you look closely you can see the engraving which she told us depicts her life. This is a little part of it.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Sunflower Success

Success is not something I can claim over growing Sunflowers this year. My seedlings started out well and were very healthy when I planted them. I chose a different variety this year from Sutton seeds called Ruby Sunset. I knew they were a smaller flower but they have proved to be pretty scruffy.

The flowers themselves are okay. They are not supposed to be very big.

The plants themselves are very sparse or have been completely destroyed by those little delights the slugs and snails.

Meanwhile my brother in law in his vegetable garden next door doesn't seem to have had the same trouble.

They are obviously a different variety and I believe some have self seeded but they are prolific.

And very tall too!

Is this one deep in thought?

Another variety was doing well at Lacock Abbey.

I shall be trying a different one next year and war on the slugs will be declared!

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Tripping on the River

My walk and talk group had their summer outing yesterday and we chose a really sunny day. Our trip started on the Bristol dockside.

Plenty of people were enjoying the improvement in the weather.

The Bristol dockside area has undergone extensive regeneration over the last few decades. It is a mixture of an industrial history and considerable modern building.

Regular boat trips are available. There is a water taxi service all around the docks then there are various trips. There were 3 outings waiting to start when we arrived and there was an element of muddle and confusion as the 3 different groups waited to board. There was a 3/4 hour tour around the docks, a 3 hour tour out along the Avon Gorge and then ours.

Thankfully we managed to board the correct vessel.We were heading on an hour trip up the river to Bees Tea Gardens for lunch. We started with a guided tour around the docks. Many Bristol landmarks can be spotted from the water including Cabot Tower

and St Mary Redcliffe Church which was declared by Queen Elizabeth 1 as "the fairest, goodliest and most famous parish church in England".

There are also an eclectic mix of boats to be seen.

This extends to the sailors too.

Many of the warehouses that back onto the river and were a central part of a busy port have been renovated and converted to apartments and offices. The further out of Bristol you go however the more neglected they are.


We eventually passed out through the locks into the River Avon itself.

It was then a leisurely trip up stream for lunch before returning to our starting point.

Our lunch venue Bee's tea gardens are situated on the riverbank. Most of the clients arrive by boat either on trips or by travelling across the river by a boat shuttle from the other bank. The tea rooms are quick and efficient but you do get the feeling that the food has been sat waiting for you! 
Nevertheless it was a very pleasant day out.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Short Story : Love

Today I am joining in again with Miriam's  short story of six words with one photo. This week the word is love.

An update on Miriam is that she has had her op so hopefully we will see her back with us soon.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Agapanthus Stages

I have followed the progression of the agapanthus outside our conservatory.

I thought originally that it would be a subject for Helena's Snap until I collected too many photos. I wouldn't be one to bend the rules. The angle and flower does change due to the difficulty of getting in the right position to capture them. They moved outwards as they opened!