Wednesday 8 November 2017

Black and White Challenge

Those of you that do Facebook and Instagram may have seen the black and white challenge that has been happening. The idea is that you are nominated and challenged to post a black and white photo each day for 7 days. The photo should depict your daily life with no explanation and no people in the picture.
I have just completed my 7 days and so I thought I would share them with you.

Day 1. 

Day 2.

Day 3.

Day 4.

Day 5.

Day 6.

Day 7.


  1. I'm not on Instagram often, but am posting there for an online class. Just yesterday I saw this challenge and thought I might take it on. Thanks for sharing. Love the light on the popovers.

  2. Great photos. It’s fun (and so easy now) to see how different photos look in black and white - texture, light and shade become so much more important once the distraction of colour is removed.
