Sunday 12 November 2017

Now and Then

Yesterday was Farmer Daughter's birthday. There was the inevitable birthday cake for a family tea party and a bit of happy birthday singing.

 It seems to be coming a bit of a tradition to fish out an embarrassing photo from the past. This year this was one of the ones that I found of the farmer to be. Needless to say she is the one sporting the bike helmet, swimsuit and helmet.

The Student Daughter has been home with tonsillitis since Wednesday evening when we made a concerned parent dash to bring her home for some  TLC or perhaps MLC (mother loving care!) until she felt better. She spent quite a lot of Saturday delving through more old albums laughing and reminiscing. This fetching hair do had us all laughing.

Photo albums take up a lot of space but they are great to ponder over on a rainy day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I used to be religious about sorting and labelling my pics, and putting them into albums. They are so easy to browse through. Now everything is digital there are new benefits but I can't help thinking the photos are less likely to be revisited than if they were on a bookshelf. I should try and do something about that, but if so, it will involve a lot of catching up!
    Anyway, happy birthday to elder daughter, and get well soon to younger daughter! I love her sheep jumper. I'd wear that now! (Different size, obviously!)
