Tuesday 7 November 2017

Perfect Rainbow

More often than not when we get a rainbow we can only see one end of it from the house. On Saturday when I was out walking there was a fabulous rainbow and I could see the whole arc. I am not very good at panoramic pictures on my phone but I managed to get this on attempt number 3.

There is in fact a double rainbow on one side.

The Autumn leaves added to the overall colour effect.

When you can see the whole rainbow which way to you head to find the treasure at the needs the rainbow?


  1. What a sight that must have been! And you did quite well on the phone, I think. I choose to believe there is gold at both ends of the rainbow, so head for the closest side I say.

  2. Great rainbow and lovely photos, love the colours in the third one.

  3. I struggle with panoramic shots (always get the wobbles) so I'm really impressed with your effort. I agree with Ella, there will be gold at both ends!

  4. Fantastic rainbow (thank you Mother Nature) & you got some great photos of it.

  5. I always find rainbows amazing; this was especially nice1
