Friday 27 July 2018

The Next Link Up

It's time for another link up for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt. I have included quite a few in my blog from time to time but here are a few I have found recently.
2. Stripes.
An alabaster pillar.

A fireplace.

A cactus.

Horse or zebra?

The veg garden

4. Wings

5. Pedal Power 
At Cardiff Bay.

My Great Nephew and my cousin's daughter enjoy a play in the field.

18. Currency.
I see quite a lot of change but was still suprised to be handed these three in one lot of change.

It is interesting to see all the different coins. I am still waiting to see one of the alphabet 10p pieces. Have you seen one?
I have a pot of coins in the drawer and for a bit of fun I have fished out a few coins from before decimalisation. Firstly pennies and halfpennies from the last 4 monarchs.

I remember decimalisation but don't recall many prices from before. I do remember that my school dinner money for the week was this amount.....5 shillings.

Also that a Cadbury Creme egg was 7 old pence. Here are two ways of reaching that price.

Finally we have an honesty box for the eggs. Most people are very trustworthy but we do get foreign currency thrown in by mistake or on purpose I am never sure. These are some of the coins we have had.

I shall soon be popping round to se what everyone else has found.


  1. Such a wonderful variety of coins! Of course we are thinking on the same lines as the horse in a zebra wrap. (col).

  2. Brilliant finds - and how lovely to see our old currency again - I'd forgotten about the old 'thruppny bit'!

  3. Another of your great collections for the scavenger hunt! That horse/zebra is something else; what do you know about it? Love the pedals photos, too.

    1. A lot of the horses have fly rugs on in the summer. This zebra one is very popular. I have a feeling that it’s thought the stripes repel the flies...

  4. So many great choices for stripes! And lots of other good contenders.
    I got NINETEEN Benjamin Bunnies the other day. Was hoping to use for swapsies - but obviously not with you, if you already have him. I'm still missing six from the set. (Do you know Paddington is coming out later in the year?)

    1. Nineteen is a bit greedy!!! I didn’t know about Paddington. Which Peter Rabbit ones do you need?

    2. It was pure chance! Amazing.
      Still looking for Flopsy, the Tailor of Gloucester, Mrs Tittlemouse, Peter Rabbit eating carrots, Squirrel Nutkin and Tom Kitten. Fun times!
      By the way, we saw a zebra like that on a Ramblers walk last month!!

  5. A fabulous selection of stripes there.

    Looking at those old coins is fascinating. I was born just after decimalisation but I remember using old one and two shilling coins for 5p and 10p.
