Saturday 21 March 2020

The Hope of New Life.

Life on the farm ticks over. Going out to check the ewes with Farmer Daughter this afternoon was a welcome distraction from what is happening in the wider world. The ewes are nearly ready to have their lambs and thankfully the weather promises to be a bit better. Note the splattered mud on the mirror and windscreen giving a good indication of what the fields have been like.

We have had one early arrival a few days ago, the only survivor of early triplets. A bit of special care was needed overnight under the heat lamp but it is thankfully now doing well.


  1. It does look as if March's weather is going to be kind to us this year, Good luck with lambing.

  2. Lucky you have such delightful open areas for walking or just being in. Oh such a sweet little lamb, glad Mamma sheep has at least one to look after.
