Friday 7 November 2014

The scarecrow trail has finished

The scarecrow trail in the Chew Valley has been very popular. It  has now come to an end for this year. I thought I would just show a few more of the wonderful creations.

Do you remember these?

This next one is rather creepy close up.

What an amazing amount of work and time spent on some of these!

If you have enjoyed all these perhaps you would like to give a little to help the little boy Harvey. Then click here.


  1. It's Wil O The Wisp at the top isn't it? is that what it was called? I'd forgotten how much we enjoyed it. It looks like lots of the makers of these scarecrows are about my vintage lol Magic Roundabout? Clangers? Also favourites

    1. Yes Wil O the Wisp it is Sian! Yes the others are my vintage too! It was some of the Lego Movie ones I had no clue about. Too dark to photograph them by the time we got to them!
