Saturday 15 November 2014

Misty Morning.

How different can two days be? Yesterday was so clear and sunny. Today after another night of rain it was foggy all day. It is not unusual for us to stay in fog while everyone else is in sunshine. The sun attempted to break through but did not succeed.

I wandered out into the vegetable garden when Brian was collecting the vegetables and hastily returned with my camera. These are a bit of a "Spot the Farmer" if you look carefully in some of the pictures.

How many have you spotted?

The day ended differently to expected with an afternoon spent in A&E with younger daughter after a hockey injury. She was not the only sportsperson waiting! Fortunately for her she has just a bad sprain but is still cheesed off with the idea of no sport for 4 weeks!


  1. Lovely photos, especially the close-ups with water droplets. Bad news about the ankle, hope it is not too painful. X

  2. beautiful misty scenes with some farmer spotting thrown in

  3. Aw, hope she feels better soon.

    Those misty morning photos are beautiful - you could turn them into cards
