Monday 27 March 2017

Memos, Mail, Me and Monday

Well we have bounced around to Monday again and my goodness what a beautiful weekend it has been. The sun has been shining and we all feel a lot better for it! So sending a sunny wave to Sian and all the Monday bloggers!
So what has dropped through the letterbox this week? Mainly bills, statements and the usual amount of trash which heads straight to the recycling. There was however one very important envelope which I somehow knew had to be saved till Sunday for opening. It was of course a Mother's Day card from the absent student. 

It was Mother's Day or as my Gran always said Mothering Sunday here in the UK. The absent student had already given me a lovely bunch of tulips when she was home last weekend. They are still looking beautiful.

Older daughter is what you you might call "a chip off the old block" or her father's daughter. She had dashed out and bought me some delicious chocolates. Flowers though? Why would you want to go out and buy flowers when the florist is sure to be charging over the rate because of the special date particularly when the whole garden and drive is covered in tempting daffodils? She was caught in the act by her auntie "thinning " the flower borders but they still look lovely to me especially with the classy bow.

Don't worry Lady Ella they were from our gardens and not from the side of the road!


  1. I'm LOLing even as I type! :oD I can report that the daffs along the stretch of road I mentioned are (more or less) still intact. They are pretty much at their glorious best all around here at the moment. And the ones outside my parents' house, planted and tended by my Dad, have also been left alone for once. Nice gifts (particularly like the hen card - very apt). Hope you have had a lovely Mothering Sunday.

  2. oh love that classy bow! Yes the sun was lovely wasn't it - have a good week

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Mothering Sunday for you - that floral hen with chicks card is so cute. Binder twine is perfect!

  4. I love the card and your comment about the daffs made me smile.

  5. Thinning the borders! Haha! I love that. I got a card from my absent student too, and one from my round the corner student, tho to their consternation my present hasn't arrived yet. I don't mind: maybe I'll get a post out of it when it gets here!

    The sun has indeed made such a difference. Wishing you a good week.

  6. So good to see the sun, isn't it. A wonderful evening yesterday. It was still light when I picked up my boy from work at 7pm. I love the card, just perfect for you. Have a great week Maggie.

  7. What an adorable card! I always think flowers are a great gift even though they don't often last long. When we arrived home last night, I picked up a bunch of tulips at the grocery store to brighten the kitchen since there isn't much sun in the forecast for the next few days. Glad you had a lovely weekend.
