Wednesday 29 March 2017

Primrose Time

It's that kind of time of year around here when there are primroses everywhere. When you drive along they are in the hedgerows. You glimpse banks of them in quite unexpected places. A few days ago I went to see how they are looking in our quarry. I wasn't disappointed. There were lots of random clumps of them.

Then what we refer to the Casualty bank was covered in them. 


So do you know why we call it that? I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned it but it was used some 20 odd years ago in an episode of Casualty. It was before we owned the quarry and was the setting for a bit of schoolboy bullying when the culprit (a stunt man in reality) was pushed down that bank.
Primroses aren't the only flower to be seen. There are a few oxlips about.

Then of course there are a multitude of stunningly yellow celandines.

The catkins are out.

Then a few bits of Old Man's Beard still cling on.


  1. beautiful signs of spring - we don't get many primroses around here so delighted to see yours

  2. Lovely primroses - and the 'Casualty' bank has greened up nicely!

  3. Oh to have such a joyful blossoming area to roam, you are very lucky. I like how Casualty Bank became known.

  4. We don't get masses of primroses here either. These are lovely. And what a great story! I thought you were going to say "Casualty" because someone once rolled down it and ended up there
