Tuesday 28 March 2017

A Canny Logo

I have made a couple of visits to a local garden centre lately. It is an independent family run nursery that can always be guaranteed to have some quality plants. It's logo is a watering can with a giant one on the side of the road outside.

The entrance in the car park is equally novel.

With a great weather vane.

There are watering cans wherever you look including outside the loos.

Watering cans also make could plant containers.

I have an old one planted up in the garden. I promise you a photo soon.


  1. I do enjoy it when a place really goes with its logo or theme - love that colourful one full of daffs

  2. I especially love that last cheery bright blue one

  3. A morning smile of all those watering cans filled with flowers. I'm like Helena, like a logo & theme done well and I agree with Sian, the blue hanging can is quite a cheery one.

  4. Canny indeed! :o)
    Like the weather vane.

  5. How clever! Love the one in the iron fence.
