Thursday 30 March 2017

Take Three Thursday: Red in Nature

Today I am joining Mary-Lou in her Thursday meme taking three photos with a common theme. Today I have been inspired by the camellia outside my window which is currently covered in blooms. They are bright red, a notoriously difficult colour to photograph. I am not sure this shows the true colour.

I have then searched through my recent photos. This is one from our visit to Larnach Castle on the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. A Bottlebrush tree in the castle gardens.

This red toadstool was also in New Zealand under a tree in Queens Park, Invercargill. 

We searched for the pixies but couldn't find them!


  1. Wot no pixies? Go back and have another look!

    Your camellia looks lovely. Mine has two flowers open, as of this morning. :o) However mine is pink and I can never quite get the colour to come out. (Your photo of your red one, however, looks just like it! How ironic!)

  2. gorgeous camellia; fantastic toadstool; interesting bottle brush.

    Thanks for joining in.

  3. my neighbour's pink camellia is just starting to show blooms - yours looks lovely. I love the abundant red on bottle brush - always makes me smile. And what a find with the perfect pixie toadstool

  4. A lovely idea for a three

  5. Great colours, particularly like the toadstool!
