Monday 28 August 2017

Feel the Heat

The sun seems to have finally come out! Mowing the lawn today I definitely needed one of these afterwards.

Meanwhile Monty was resting in the shade. 

He has not been quite himself for the last two weeks. He has had a cough and the vet has given him some antibiotics. He is now rather steady eating his food, definitely not a good sign in a Labrador. I can see there could well be another trip to the vet this week.


  1. Sorry to hear about Monty, hope he will soon be better. That lolly looks good!

  2. Also sorry to hear about Monty. One of my best friend's lab has a cough that required a trip to the vet. She'd kept them up for two nights.

  3. sorry to hear Monty is poorly - hope he is coping with the heat and on the mend

  4. Oh Monty - sending lots of positive loving energy your way ...
