Saturday 5 August 2017

The Brood

Who could walk by without attempting a photo?

This nest is in the shed just by our back door. They are relatively high up although not as far up as some. I needed the step stool as well as a telephoto lens to reach them. This is a second hatching in this nest this summer. They are now out of the nest.

Quite a brood aren't they?


  1. PERFECT photos! These are wonderful :o) They demand a caption!
    I so wish I had taken them.

  2. Such a cute little chorus. I am only seeing one photo, but no matter ... I have seen a little statue for the garden that looks exactly like this photo.

    1. There are two photos but they are very similar.

    2. Maybe the alligator ate the second one before it reached Canada!

    3. Now THAT would have made a picture! I shall be looking out for stray alligators every time I pass the lake!

    4. It's rather worrying - couldn't believe it when I heard it on the radio last night. Wouldn't catch me swimming anywhere near now!

    5. I thought it was a joke when I read it on Facebook. Luckily swimming isn't allowed on the lake but you can fish or sail.
