Friday 17 July 2020

A New Member

This week we have acquired a new “family member “. Farmer daughter has got a kitten. Meet Boris.

He’s rather cute isn’t he? Far more attractive than his namesake. No political reason for the name choice but just seemed and a appropriate lockdown choice.

This morning he came to spend the morning in my kitchen while she was working. Poppy wasn’t bothered but Tiggy wasn’t very impressed.


  1. What a darling. Looks like our sweet cat, Samson. Tabbies are the best! -Jenn

  2. Aawww! Boris is a real cutie.

  3. I'd like to give him a cuddle - he looks so melancholy in the top pic!

    1. He is a little insecure although settling in quite well. He has come from a farm where he as running wild. Fortunately he is not too feral. She is keeping in a dog crate when she is out to give him a little security.

  4. Boris is adorable. He reminds me of our last cat---now nearly 40 years ago. Her name was Emily!
