Friday 31 July 2020

Walking with the Girls

We have been able to see Younger Daughter now. She has managed to make it home now that Wales has lifted the 5 mile rule. We have also ventured into Wales for the day. Farmer Daughter and I met up with her half way for a walk. It was one of those spontaneous decisions which are more difficult to make these days. We arranged to meet in the car park at Ogmore-by-sea. Off we went picnic and Poppy on board. It was only en route that I began to waver that our spontaneous action was maybe misjudged. It was after all the first Saturday that the Welsh had been allowed to travel and the weather was good. I had visions of the beach being packed as we had seen on the news at places in Dorset and Essex. My worry was increased when Younger Daughter rang to say the car park was full.....
It was not long however before she rang to say they had found another car park. Phew! When we arrived we were able to find a space in  relatively quiet car park next to them. We were also able to find a quiet spot on the cliffs for a picnic lunch.

We then started off on our walk which took us along the cliff through a rather congested car park at Dunraven Bay where the Police were very unsuccessfully trying to direct the traffic. It did not take us long to disappear up into quiet paths and fields where we saw very few people. I had little chance to take many photos keeping up with the girls!
After some miles we descended off some common land down an incredibly sandy path. We were still some way from the coast but it was like walking on grassed over sand dunes. The small building in the photo is an old well which apparently used to provide water for a nearby hamlet. 

We descended into the winding valley made by the River Ogmore which by this stage is tidal and has wide flood plains on either side. It was along these that our walk took us next. This is an area with more to explore. There are (tidal) stepping stones across the river to the remains of Ogmore Castle. There are also extensive sand dunes on this far side, some of the biggest in Europe. 

It is difficult to see it in theses photos but there was a depressing amount of rubbish along the river banks which had obviously been washed there when the river had flooded. It was a shame that no effort had been made to pick it all up.

We soon arrived at Ogmore by Sea and then back to the cars. We were then able to move to the original car park where the beach was now quite quiet. The girls were able to have a swim. Poppy joined them for a while but then preferred to play on the beach.

We were all then ready for a much deserved cup of tea ( from the thermos of course!) and a hot cross bun each, made for Easter and retrieved from the freezer to share with Younger Daughter who we hadn’t been able to see at the time.
Then it was time to say our goodbyes and make our way home. It was an interesting spot with some fascinating rock formations so I think it is likely we will meet there again.


  1. We spend a lovely weekend around Dunraven a few years ago, it's a lovely spot for walking.

  2. Lovely photos of a lovely day out together. I do like the one of the girls paddling in the little waves with Poppy looking on. So nice that you were able to share hot cross buns. Sounds like the kind of thing my mum might do!

  3. How lovely to have time together again---and in such a beautiful place!

  4. Oh what a lovely day! I'm so pleased you have finally been able to get together again!

  5. Glad you got some family time in such a beautiful place!

  6. How nice to be out and about with family. It looks to have been worth the wait.
