Thursday 16 July 2020

No Excuses

Where have I been? Perhaps you haven’t missed me! I really haven’t got any real excuses for disappearing for several weeks. I could blame the light evenings when I don’t really stop until after dark. Anyway here I am and ready for a catch up.
What have you all been doing? I shall be calling round to see you all! We have been enjoying a tentative relaxation of lockdown rules. Nothing too dramatic but we have been meeting up with a few friends and relatives. Step one has been to buy a gazebo to allow us to manage a little outside entertaining. I have even managed to hold an afternoon book club. Definitely better than a Zoom book club meeting.

A really big step is having my mum over for Sunday lunch which we finally achieved last Sunday. She did declare that she felt like a leper with us all keeping to the other end of the table! Getting her over is the big thing. Farmer Husband has acted as a masked chauffeur with mum travelling in the back. 

Getting together with the younger generation has been a massive bonus. Seeing one of my great nephews was lovely and he was delighted to visit the farm.

I have even had a cuddle with the newest member of the family. Farmer Husband’s first great nephew born at the very beginning of lockdown.

Infinite pleasure from such ordinary happenings!


  1. Yes, you have definitely been missed!

    I'm taking the easing of lockdown very slowly. It's good to hear you've been able to meet up with some of your family and friends. It makes all the difference doesn't it?

    1. Thanks Eileen! Yes it feels far more normal. I forgot to say that the most emotional reunion was seeing our daughter again. She lives in Wales so we had to be very patient.

  2. Being able to see family has made a huge difference. We're trying to be very careful, but are beginning to see some friends outdoors only with, of course, social distancing. Good to "see" you. The gazebo is lovely!

  3. Sounds great fun, contact is everything, without it we are lost.

  4. Indeed Maggie you have been missed.

    It does look like everyone was enjoying themselves in these reunions. I like your canopy for outside entertaining. It has been hard not seeing my friends & today I have an outside visit scheduled with my friend I haven't seen since February.

  5. I am so so glad to have you back! Glad to see you getting together with your family in a safe way. No end in sight where I live, but will possibly get there someday...
