Monday 17 April 2017

Memos, Mail, Me and Monday : Celebrating Easter

Good Morning and a big wave to Sian, the creator of the Monday slot on this Easter Monday. I hope you are all having a good holiday. It's been a busy weekend here with a lot of cooking, house cleaning and preparing on Friday and Saturday.  Luckily I have had some help with younger daughter making the Chocolate marble cake

and cutting out and cooking the Easter biscuits ( yes there were Easter biscuits).

Sunday started early with a first for me. I was out of bed by 5.30 and off out by 6.00. This was to join a sunrise service on the edge of Chew Valley Lake. This is an annual event but it's taken me some years to get there. What a moving, evocative service as the sun came up on a lovely Easter Sunday.

Who could ask for a more special setting? 

Alongside the communion bread and wine there was freshly barbecued fish to share. This latter being a first this year apparently. There was time after the service to take in the surroundings.

A row of cherry trees in blossom line the drive.

After a few more moments of tranquility it was time to return home for breakfast and the last of the preparations for Easter lunch with the family.


  1. Beautiful way to greet Easter Day. Good for you - would love to do that some time. Sounds much more uplifting than the service I attended. :o(
    Luckily the day itself was lovely and far better than anticipated. (I didn't make Easter cakes, thinking they wouldn't be missed ... they were! Sister: "What's the name of that oil you put in those biscuits last year? [Pause] Have you brought any? Hmm. But did you make any? Oh it doesn't matter but when you gave me that tub I thought it might have some in." Oops!)

  2. a beautiful tranquil setting. have a good week

  3. Your Easter cake & biscuits look a treat. What a wonderful way to greet any morning ... Happy week ahead.

  4. Absolutely sounds worth getting out of bed for. What a start to the day!

  5. It's been years since I attended an Easter sunrise service, and never is as beautiful a setting as this!
