Sunday 10 September 2017

A Few Close Up Snippets

It was a busy day here today with over 30 family members gathering for a bit of a get together. Many of the cousins had not seen each other since we were all teenagers so it was good to renew some friendships. Certainly for me there was little time for taking pictures so I shall be gathering some from the rest of the family.
So for now here are few details of what was going on in the tree and bush life of Stourhead.
Some interestingly red seed wings.

More seeds but I'm not sure what they are.

The acorn.

Down by the lake edge.

This tree is called Aesculus Flava. It is the first tree at Stourhead to show a change in its leaf colour and lose its leaves in the Autumn.

There was an interesting reflection created by this tree.

1 comment:

  1. Always something lovely to see at Stourhead and your details are just as fascinating as the big, famous, views.
