Saturday, 18 August 2018

Topiary at Risk

Our trip to Avebury included a walk around some of the garden. We were under a bit of a time limit to see it all.

It is famous for it's topiary some of which is almost 100 years old. 

Sadly it may not look like this for much longer. The garden steward explained that a lot of the hedging is affected by the highly virulent disease Box blight. This may well mean that a lot of the topiary will have to be destroyed. The only part which can be left will be the yew trees.

Beyond the topiary garden there is a much newer vegetable garden that was developed as part of the BBC project.

The garden produces fruit and vegetables for the tea rooms.

Other parts of the garden are set out for relaxing with blankets and chairs provided.

A great garden for exploring and a period of chilling out time.


  1. Beautiful! Walled gardens are so wonderful (not many here!) and the topiaries are amazing as well. I hope they survive. -Jenn

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  3. Beautiful - and so sad to hear of yet another threat to our FLORA >:o(

  4. The topiary is wonderful; so sad that it may not survive.
