Saturday 16 August 2014

Sheep shopping

Most girls head for Cabot Circus on a Saturday morning to do a bit of shopping. Our girls were off to Sedgemoor Market to buy some breeding ewes. Over the past 3 years the girls with their cousin have taken over the sheep flock. They now own most of them. They are responsible for all of their care. This year their other cousin has joined them as a sheep farmer too.
There were quite a lot of pens to choose from.

A little discussion on what to buy and bidding tactics was needed with advice from dad.

There was quite a range to chose from.

Then the serious bidding began.

Soon they were owners of 26 more ewes.

It was time to load up.

And head for home. The ewes were pretty eager to see their new field.

The family gathered to watch them!

The ewes were equally eager to meet the rest of the sheep.....

1 comment:

  1. A lovely story in pictures - I can see a children's book collection growing out of this blog!..
