Monday, 19 January 2015

How Many Can You See? Winter Sacavenger Hunt No. 10

Joining in again with Eileen and Joy's Winter Scavenger Photo Hunt. Today I am looking at no. 10. "A letter shape in nature or an object." This one has been giving quite a lot of thought. I did feel that this would be one that I would fail on. I have been keeping my eyes open looking when out and about and I found it! When I was walking the dog I noticed a tree with ivy growing up it.

Some curious shapes and on looking closer.....

How many letters can you see? I have picked out A  K  P and  U but I am open to more suggestions!


  1. HOw fun! I took some letter shapes in trees last week myself. Haven't blogged them yet (I've got a couple other scavenger hunt finds in my pairs post going up on Wednesday).
